Lamb of God Endowment Fund

During our lifetime, we as Christians make a difference in many people's lives. We give our gifts of love, time, talent, and financial resources. Through these gifts we are demonstrating responsible stewardship. Isn't it then consistent with good stewardship to plan to do the same with the resources we leave at death?
As each has received a gift, employ it for another... in order that in everything God may be glorified.     (I Peter 4:10-11)
Through the establishment of the Lamb of God Lutheran Church Endowment Fund, we can provide you with a planned or deferred giving plan to make a difference beyond your lifetime. The Endowment Fund is an opportunity for Lamb of God members and friends to contribute gifts.


The purpose of this fund is to enhance the mission outreach of the church apart from the operating budget of the congregation. Gifts will extend God's work within our church, the community, and the world.


Investment income from the fund will be distributed annually to the following:

  • Outreach to our youth and community youth
  • Outreach to adults and seniors
  • Support for Social Ministries
  • Enhancement of music and education
  • Other ministries deemed appropriate in keeping with the mission of Lamb of God (Cordero de Dios) Lutheran Church


The Endowment Fund Committee receives requests and makes recommendations to the Congregational Council regarding expenditures of the earnings to support the aforementioned ministries. For each gift received, an initial tithe of 10% is distributed before the one year anniversary of the gift. The Endowment Fund Committee will invest and manage the fund, with an annual report to the Congregational Council.

For Further Information

A response form is at the bottom of this webpage to contact us for more information. As well, you may obtain a copy of the Lamb of God Endowment Fund document, as adopted by the Congregational Council on February 28, 2008, to share with your financial advisor or attorney. Please call (863) 421-2811, stop by the church office, or use the form below to obtain this document or additional information.

What types of gifts can I make?

Cash and Securities
Contributions on a one-time or a periodic basis. Gifts of appreciated stocks and bonds can often provide significant tax advantages.
Real Estate
Contributions of real estate or other items of value in consultation with the Endowment Committee.
Life Insurance
A gift of an existing life insurance policy or the purchase of a new policy with the Fund named as the principal beneficiary.
Charitable Gift Annuity
Create an annuity providing income for yourself or someone else while also providing the Fund with a sizeable portion.
Establish a trust, managed by a trustee, with the fund named as a beneficiary.
A gift at your death, in full accordance with your specified wishes.

Endowment Fund Form

Gifts to the Lamb of God Endowment Fund are tax deductible.